
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

2009 game fishing titles in Madang

The Game Fishing Association of PNG will hold this year’s game fishing national tournament in Madang.
The Madang Game Fishing Club (MGFC) will play host to the 34th GFAPNG National Titles sponsored by Mobil, Global Internet and Shimano.
The GFAPNG holds the national titles once a year during the Easter period.
Four affiliated clubs in Madang, Lae, Port Moresby and Rabaul alternate the role of host club each year, so that each of these towns hosts a national titles every four years.
“Each year Madang has played host, the number of anglers and non-anglers participating in this nine-day event has increased,” organising committee member Teresa Litz said today.
“This year the MGFC titles organising committee is expecting a minimum of 380 anglers to register, as well as up to 150 non-fishing guests.
“Registration fee is K400 per adult (fishing), K200 per junior (fishing) and K150 per guest (not fishing).
“These fees might seem steep, but they include: tournament bag, tournament shirt, cap, grid map, loads of promotional gear, breakfast, lunch (fishing days only), fuel vouchers and access to sponsored evenings for the duration of the whole tournament.
“Registration forms can be downloaded from ."
 The GFAPNG National Titles is a highly prestigious event and each year hundreds of anglers from all over PNG and overseas make the pilgrimage to the host town in order to participate.
The tournament is not just for seasoned anglers; many people who have never been fishing before have registered to fish the National Titles and have had such a great time.
“‘The Titles’ actually has a long record of rewarding the ‘greenies’ who have never touched a rod before!” Litz added.
“The best thing about the titles is it is an opportunity to socialise and meet other people from other towns or provinces; many men, women and children have formed lasting friendships based solely on a chance meeting at the titles.
“The camaraderie and mateship that’s experienced throughout the nine days of the tournament is truly unique and it’s this factor, not the prizes, that has most anglers returning every year.
 “Preparations for the 2009 titles are going very well.
“With up to 50 sponsors, over 400 anglers and guests as well as up to 40 boats, the logistics of holding an event like this require at least 12 months of planning and preparation.
“The titles committee is confident that it will be ready by the briefing night on April 3 and look forward to hosting an action-packed, fun-filled tournament right through to the final day when they bid farewell to visiting anglers at the ‘Crying Towel’ session on April 13.”

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