
Monday, February 23, 2009

Time to flatten Genoka



Goroka is turning into a haven for lawlessness and fast becoming a cowboy town.

Genoka is one such place that accommodates thugs and criminals.

I wonder whether the Goroka administration has the power to barricade Genoka.

 It should give the settlers the ultimatum to leave on their own or they would be forced out.

After that, the settlement should be flattened.

The peace-loving people of Goroka are fed up with these criminals.

 We want to live in peace.


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I would like share a few thoughts on Ambo's article:

    1) I'm an Australian volunteer living and working in Goroka and have witnessed 1st hand the recent increase in lawlessness and anti social behaviour in this town - once described as the most peaceful town in PNG.

    2) I am married to a Simbu and participate in tribal custom and social exchange.

    3) Over the last two years I have become friends with many of the street boys around town - some from Genoka others from West, Banana Block or any of the other settlements around Goroka.

    4) Genoka is mentioned here. A settlement made up of families that in some cases have lived there for 3 generations. Where would these folks go?

    5) I move in and out of Genoka freely - due to my close relationship with the street element.

    6) The four years I have lived and worked in PNG as a volunteer I have not once been robbed or pick-pocketed by a street boy or settlement person. In fact many of these so called "undesirables" call me "pops". I have had "things" stolen from me but by clan and family members only.

    7) Why is it that PNG'eans are set on burning down houses when something goes wrong. To wipe out Genoka would in fact increase the lawlessness issues and not mitigate them. What about all the innocent and law abiding folks affected.

    8) I totally agree that settlements are an issue in PNG and breeding ground for criminals but... by destroying these places one is not addressing the cause. What is the cause? That's the big question and answers are complex and perhaps non existent.

    9) There's an open sewer that pours shit straight into Genoka and has done so for a few years. This obviously aggravates the locals - but what has the local town authority doen about fixing this?

    10) There's a deeper issue going on here in PNG. Change is hitting this country faster than probably any other civilisation in history. Change is hurting the locals and most do not know how to cope. What exactly is PNG leadership doing to assist people with the adjustment to the "nupela pasin".

    Tingting bilong mi tasol


  2. Genoka in Gka is good to some ,bad to many, its very bad to tourism and potential investors when high unemployment is driving this nation mad.There are wise saying that ''the peoples' attitude or sum of social actions are result of their government.Genoka indicates the total failure of the the government as well as other settlements around the country booming lawlessness, the people are innocent, the government has greatly failed to provide affordable infrastructures, services , create jobs, punish law breakers and seem to have two laws for the nation, one for the white collars thievs and grassroots.This is to say, the government is unable to manage to a larger degree.
    Someone as a landowner of Genoka or nearby place cannot solve personally, or either NGOs collecting bunch of these street boys and tame them, it is the government duty to provide basic services, create jobs, and then enforce law and order.
    Population growth rate of 1.7 means within 15/20 years or less, 6 million will double to 12 million.How can government effectively manage double digit population if single digit population cannot be managed?
    We have in recent times have settlement evacutions as as was in Madang, recent Tete destruction, plus other provinces trying to send settlers back to their home province.However, this is not the best option to solving lawlessness ,crime and violence but a an indication of government's inability to plan and ensure its sick public services system to effectively deliver services.

    Gene Drekeke Iyovo,China
