
Wednesday, April 08, 2009


To be officially led by the Grand Chief Sir Paulius Matane, GCL, GCMG, KSt.J, Governor General of Papua New Guinea.

Walk Against Corruption details:


Day & Date: Sunday 14th June 2009

: Murray Barracks Ovals – Opposite PNG Motors

Assemble Time
: 5:30 am

Walk Commences
: 6:30 am

Prizes for

1. Best dressed team
2. Best anti-corruption message

Register a Team to Participate:

K2, 000 per team of 10 walkers.
K200 per team of 10 for school teams (payment to cover cost of water and refreshments)

In 2009 TIPNG is offering participating teams the chance to sponsor a school team's participation. TI PNG knows that while it is on our shoulders to fight corruption today, it will be the adults of tomorrow who will win the war. We therefore wish to make every effort to get school teams participating in the WAC and encouraging PNG's children to take a stand for responsible citizenship. We would be thankful if your organisation could, in addition to supporting your own team, sponsor one of the school teams who have elected to take part in the WAC.

For more information contact TIPNG office on the following:
Phone: 320 2188 / 320 2182
Email: or

The TIPNG Fund Raising Committee is humbled by the support shown by 61 organisations in the public, private, NGO and sectors as well as individuals who contributed to registering 100 teams to participate in the 2008 WAC and raising close to a whopping K200, 000.00.

With your support, the grassroots support, TIPNG will go a long way in having a voice against corruption.

Do not give a free ride to the ugly face of corruption. 

Say No to Corruption.
Register a team to Participate in the biggest ever Walk Against Corruption.


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