
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Christian students gather at University of Vudal



The University of Vudal is hosting the 39th National Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship (TSCF) Easter Conference with more than 500 students from all tertiary institutions in the country attending the conference.

The conference officially begins tomorrow (Friday) and ends on Sunday with the theme “Appointed to Lead Across Cultures.”

The official welcome will be made by the university’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Philip Siaguru and main speech by East New Britain Governor Leo Dion.

The main speakers for the conference are Minister for Justice & Attorney General and Member for Rabaul Dr Allan Marat, Dr Richard Chin from the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students and former Chief Ombudsmen Ila Geno.

New Guinea Islands TSCF Coordinator, Ezekiel Lulu said the University of Vudal was selected to host the conference on behalf of New Guinea Islands region because of the modern facilities the university has and the dormitories to accommodate large number of students attending the workshop.

The TSCF ministry has six regions - Momase, Lae, Lower Highlands, Upper Highlands, Southern and New Guinea Islands region.

He said it would be the second time for the university to host the conference, the first time was in 2002.

Mr Lulu said the information in the conference would be vital for students, as apart from word of God, there would be workshops on different topics which include, academic excellence to be presented by Dr David Kavanamur, Christian leadership, HIV/AIDS its latest status in PNG, cult worship, family welfare, law and order in relation to alcohol and drug abuse and boy/girl relationship.

He encouraged majority of the students in the province and the region to attend.

The ministry’s vision is “Raising Young Generation to become men and women of integrity and God fearing people”.

The main aim of TSCF is to co-ordinate the work of affiliated Christian fellowship in PNG, encourage the evangelistic activities of the various affiliates, encourage promote training in leadership, assist members in Christian growth and faith and encourage members to consider full-time Christian work for churches of PNG and to encourage a missionary attitude among the churches and also TSCF work in the country.

Mr Lulu invites surrounding communities, churches and government organisations to also attend the conference to understand the vision of the ministry as it is an interdenominational ministry.


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