
Monday, April 06, 2009

Ian Thompson responds to The Melanesian Way



What John Fowke has to say about the Melanesian Way is 100% correct, and is thoroughly understood by every Melanesian citizen of PNG.

What is very unusual is to see this obvious truth expressed publicly.

Expatriates from earlier times understand this "problem" very well, but because the subject is never mentioned by Melanesians in the presence of an outsider, very few recently-arrived foreigners have a clue as to the underlying reason why PNG is completely unable to govern itself.

They blame individuals rather than a way of life, and don't understand that they can't fix things using Western methods.

They get angry and frustrated and eventually either accept the situation or pack up and leave.

I knew Michael Somare before independence, and listened to his ambitions and his fears.

 He knew that he could never govern this country using the constitution forced on him by the UN and the Australian Government.

That's why he invented the "Melanesian way".

 I think he somehow believed that this would work.

He knew that it was his only hope.

There was nothing else.

For the reasons that John just expounded, the Melanesian Way would never be of any use in managing anything outside of a clan group.

It has done a wonderful job making Michael and his family enormously rich.

That's what the Melanesian Way is supposed to do.

The same system is also supposed to disadvantage your enemies in any way possible.

 It has done this too.

But don't blame Michael.

 He is just doing what his parents told him was his sacred duty.

 If you prosecute Michael and make him give back his Millions (Billions???) the next guy would do exactly the same thing.

Every Melanesian knows this, which is the reason why he can get away with the most blatant acts of mal-administration.

One finger pointing is three fingers back to you, so who can accuse?

You press guys do a fantastic job exposing the corruption that you know is preventing your country from progressing.

It breaks my heart to see how hard you try, and what little reward you get for it.

The ordinary PNG citizen simply coudn't care less.

They see Government money not as "theirs" but some kind of free handout that falls from the sky, and they see the corrupt politicians and public servants (plus their scum bag lawyers) as lucky people doing exactly what they would do themselves.

 Just look at the useless and mainly-silent Opposition parties.

Half a million here and there is enough to keep them quiet. (Teil blong pik em inap lon ol).

The number of PNG citizens who would actually put their country before themselves or their clan is so few that after nearly 50 years living there I honestly can't think of a single example.

Probably a few young educated people try, but they can't achieve much, and what are they really thinking anyway? Many pretend, but it's mainly bullshit for the consumption of ignorant foreigners.

I think PNG will be like the British, who never seem to get it right, but they "muddle along" and somehow survive.

Your wantok system is the best thing going for you, and anyone who would destroy that for some foreign and unproven system would have to be crazy.

I wish you a long and happy life living comfortably within the wantok system.

Take pride in your ancestors, who did a very good job of surviving as a race for many thousands of years, and have handed down a rich and vibrant culture to the wonderment of the whole world.



I love you all.





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