
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

K128 million jet for Papua New Guinea government! You got to be longlong, Somare!



Interesting news on the front page of the Post-Courier, don't you think!???

The government is buying itself a sleek new corporate jet for a paltry K130 million! Yes, first they give themselves hefty allowances increases and now they see fit to get themselves a jet. What the hell is going on at Waigani!?

What about fixing up the schools, the hospitals, the roads or helping with the housing situation for us battlers? If appropriated properly, K130 million can go a long way and benefit a lot of people in real tangible ways - for instance, a classroom for kids who have to be taught under a tree, or more medicines for doctors/nurses to prescribe, or better roads that people can use to get to or from markets or subsidies on housing materials so people can build houses for themselves.

But, no, the government prefers that the people's money be spent on one of the most expensive items of all: a jet that only 109 people can use.

I cannot believe how out of touch the government is with what is going on in our country. It simply defies belief!

As you all know not all airports in our country can handle a jet. So if the MP's want to visit a remote part of their electorate(yes, every MP will find some excuse to joy ride on the new jet!), they'll most probably take the jet to the nearest jet airport  and then hop on a third level airline (propeller type) or helicopter to get to the remote village. In other words, it's going to cost more for their travel (fuel, plane/helicopter hire, pilot's salaries, etc.) Guess who will foot the bill?

The reasoning behind this particular government decision is also a bit of an insult to the older folk of our nation! They say the PM, who will use the jet more than others, needs a more comfortable ride because he's getting old and suffering from long periods of high altitude travel.

Screw him! What about the millions of old people in the country who suffer from long periods of WALKING because there isn't a vehicle nearby because the nearest road is unusable!!!!!!

It is plain to see that the pollies only want the jet for the image that it will give them. And to the MP's, we taxpayers, who are funding the purchase of the jet, can just go to hell!



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