
Friday, April 17, 2009

Pacific Adventist University to celebrate 25th Anniversary

The Pacific Adventist University, which the God-given mission of “Educate to Serve”, this year celebrates its 25th Anniversary.

Celebrations will take place at PAU’s Koiari Park Campus outside Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, from Friday, August 28 to Sunday, August 30.

PAU is a tertiary institution located 21 kilometres outside Port Moresby and operated by the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Both the faculty and the student body are international in composition.

While most students come from Papua New Guinea and other Pacific Island nations such as Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands, others have come from Africa, Australia, Pakistan, China, the Philippines, and the United States.

The institution was established as Pacific Adventist College, a college of higher education in 1983 and given a charter as a university by the Papua New Guinea government in 1997.

Currently bachelor's and (some) masters degrees are offered in Business, Education, Science, Health Science (Nursing), Theology and Humanities.


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