
Monday, April 06, 2009

Phase out public servants?


It’s very disturbing to learn that Health Department can’t utilise some K200 million overseas funding to carry out its health programmes and activities earmarked for a certain period of time.

Can somebody tell us what on earth is really wrong with the department?

In my view this simply means that the officers there can’t simply implement to expedite these funds.

This would mean a weak workforce who are no longer competent, can’t create, lack energy, knowledge and skills and are phasing out in the current global workforce.

The technology today require new brains with innovation, who can read and understands donor work programmes and guidelines,  and the software that enables these funds to be drawn down to meet the department’s programmes and activities.

Let’s not blame the ministers or the politicians. The public servants are the ones who have been entrusted with the responsibilities to implements to ensure services are delivered.

If this is a problem in some of our departments today, a major overhauling and revamping of staff is required at all cost.

Fellows, we are no longer in the days of pen and paper work. It’s a computer world, modern technology, skilled and qualified workforce.

Some views to share among you, the concerned Papua New Guineans.



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