
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prime Minister visiting China

PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare is on an official visit to China, The National reports.
Officials decided it would be a low key affair, choosing to release a short statement on the visit hours before Sir Michael boarded the plane for Hong Kong on Monday.
The Prime Minister, who had just returned from an official visit to the Philippines, is visiting China at the invitation of president Hu Jintao.
While in Beijing, Sir Michael will witness the signing of several agreements between officials of both countries.
Sir Michael was scheduled to meet with Hu yesterday.
Today, he will hold bilateral discussions with premier Wen Jiabao.
He is also expected to meet with officials of Chinese companies with interests in PNG, including CNMB, the parent company of BNBM, and MCC, developers of the Ramu nickel mine.
Sir Michael returns to the country next Tuesday.
He is then expected to visit Australia at the end of the month.
However, authorities have not confirmed arrangements for the Australian trip.

1 comment:

  1. M,

    "Low Key" must be a bit like whispering... one doesn't really want too many people to hear what is being discussed.

