
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

University of Vudal signs agreement with Chinese university

Caption: University of Vudal Vice Chancellor Professor Philip Siaguru (left) and SCAU Vice President Professor Liao Ming seal the agreement with a handshake.




STAFF and students of the University of Vudal will benefit greatly from research and science technology expertise of the South China Agricultural University.

This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two higher education institutions on last month in China’s third largest city, Guangzhou.

The signing marked a historical moment for Vudal and paves the way for staff and student academic exchanges as well as collaborative research.

UoV Vice Chancellor Professor Philip Siaguru and SCAU Vice President Professor Liao Ming, who signed the agreement, both see the partnership as one of mutual benefit.

Professor Siaguru said as a young university, University of Vudal had much to learn from SCAU, which is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year.

“We are committed to making this MoU work because there is so much in terms of research and farming technologies that we can learn from SCAU,” he said.

“The simplicity and appropriateness of the technology used will suit our small rural communities and farmers greatly.”

Professor Liao said he believed the cooperation would develop into more than just collaboration between two educational institutions.

“This agreement also strengthens the ties between our two countries,” he said.

He added he looked forward to having staff and students of the University of Vudal visit SCAU in the near future.

The MoU is valid for five years.

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