
Thursday, July 08, 2010

Opposition: Join us oust Somare

THE opposition has welcomed the Supreme Court decision to nullify parts of the integrity laws and called on government members to join in the move to remove the government of Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare, The National reports.

Deputy leader and Lae MP Bart Philemon said the Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (OLIPPAC) was good for political stability, but had contributed to government using its numbers to stream-roll everything through Parliament.

“A lot of things that had been done by the government were highly questionable including the forestry amendments, proposed Ombudsman Commission amendments and the Environment law amendments,” Philemon said.

“The shackles that lead us, once you vote for the prime minister, you vote for government and, once you vote for the budget, you vote for government, have been removed.”

Philemon said now Members of Parliament could stand on principles to vote with conscience and not on money.

“We wanted to remove the government because the government had lost its way.”

He said there were outstanding issues including Moti saga, misuse of agriculture development funds, Taiwan scandal, Singapore’s K40 million scandal and the increase in the number of

ministries to 32.

“If you want to change this kind of tyranny and kitchen cabinet, we invite the 34 on the government to join us to change government.”

Philemon made the commitment that, for stability, the new government would go back and try and fix the areas pointed out by the Supreme Court without infringing the Constitution.

He was flanked by former prime minister and New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan, Kairuku-Hiri MP Paru Aihi, Imbonggu MP Francis Awesa, Mendi MP Isaac Joseph, Markham MP Koni Iguan, Tewai-Siassi MP Vincent Michaels and Bulolo MP Sam Basil.

Awesa, in backing Philemon, said the OLIPPAC had virtually held MPs as prisoners in their respective party.

“We, in the last eight years, have been subject to a mini-dictatorship and that has been removed.

“It is time for right-thinking leaders on the other side to stand up and be counted.”

Sir Julius said it took the court a long time to correct an unconstitutional legislation.

“Now, they (MPs) are truly free because, sometimes, they voted against their own conscience.

“This is your chance to correct the mistakes and to put the country back on course.

“The victory is not for us MPs, but for the people.”



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