
Friday, July 30, 2010

Votes of no-confidence and integrity of leaders



Papua New Guinea is back to its old game.

Leaders want power at any cost.

There is no shame for name and fame.

Apart from the period 1972- 1977 and 2002- 2007, there is no other time in modern PNG history where leaders worked for PNG people without fear of no confidence votes.

From 1980 and later years, leaders' war paths were made by love of money.

Money and more of it.

At independence in 1975 our leaders were people's leaders.

People were reason for leadership.

Now we take leadership as a business venture.

Leaders and their advisers see leadership as a means for money.

 People wait while leaders fight over positions for money.

In only 34 years after independence leaders have made our people leaderless.

No leader will be without blame. Love of money has left no leader blameless.

Now more people know this truth.

Nasty politics of leaders are well known.

They are very troubled.

Scandals, lies, deceits and plots are starting to emerge.

Even vulgar language of leaders is paraded.

When a lawyer warned leaders about many bad behaviours leaders went berserk.

Money and more of it was what leaders work for.

Many about-faced leaders will do anything for money.

 In the July 2010 session of Parliament, leaders were at different camps for different reasons but with one purpose; money.

 Lending credibility to this circus-like game was a Deputy Prime Minister of a ruling coalition.

He left his leadership and ran after Prime Minister's position with media hype.

Leaders who left with him are reportedly going back to their vomits.

For the first time leaders are openly parading their lack of integrity.

No more will people let their leaders run wild for money, name, fame and position.

Very soon leaders will face the truth.

Truth is people will not tolerate leaders without integrity.


1 comment:

  1. Dear sir,
    Greetings from Malaysia.
    I wonder whether you can give me the contact email of General Francis Agwi.
    I attended a course with him in Australia in 1978.
    Lt Col Mohamad Azudin, retired
