
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

British High Commission continues support for anti-corruption body

From left are  Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce & Industry (POMCCI) vice president Ken Dunn, Treasury and Finance Minister Peter O’Neill and BACA coordinator Val Salama look as British High Commissioner David Dunn shakes the hands of POMCCI president Ron Seddon before passing on the cheque for K85,000.
The British High Commission has continued its partnership with the anti-corruption body Business Against Corruption Alliance (BACA).
British High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, David Dunn, said the UK government was pleased to be able to partner BACA for a second year and to help in its efforts to tackle corruption.
BACA, is run by business for business and provides its members with concrete advice, best practice and support to more than 100 like minded companies who have chosen to make a stand against corruption.
“Ensuring that the PNG investment climate is transparent, fair and an equal playing field for all is critical for the PNG’s future development,” he added.
BACA is an initiative of the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce (POMCCI), the British High Commission and the PNG Chapter of Transparency International (TIPNG).
It was established in 2009 to provide anti-corruption awareness, education and support to its membership and their employees.
A recent independent study undertaken by BACA revealed that in the last 12 months 24% of its members have suffered losses between K10,000 to K50,000 from corrupt activities and that 100% favour a confidential whistle blowing service.
The British High Commission’s support for BACA is part of a global UK commitment to fight corruption and encourage fair trade. In support of this UK Prime Minister David Cameron recently announced primary legislation aimed at toughening up further anti bribery and corruption legislation.
The new UK Bribery Act will ensure that the UK stays at the forefront of the battle against corruption and will legally empower British authorities to insist that UK companies operate to the highest standards and that they are able to held accountable not only for their activities in the UK but abroad as well.
For more information on how you can join BACA and its activities please email .

1 comment:

  1. Val Salama2:07 PM

    Please note the email address is actually:
