
Monday, February 14, 2011

NARI now has full council

The National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) now has a full council with the appointment of representatives from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) and the University of Technology (Unitech) early this month.

The national executive council (NEC) appointed Prof Chalapan Kaluwin and Philip Stagg upon recommendation by the Public Services Commission after they were recommended by their respective university councils.

The duo who will serve in the current term, bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge to the NARI council.

Stagg, who is an electrical engineer by profession, served in various capacities in both the public and private sector before going private.

He is currently the chancellor of Unitech, serving in the council since 1986.

He replaces former representative and academic, Dr Samson Akoitai.

Prof Kaluwin, who has received a number of academic and research awards, has widespread experience in teaching, administration and management, undertaking research projects and served as consultant.

With specific experience in environmental sciences and geography, and as head of environmental science and geography, school of natural and physical science, he brings valuable experience in his field of expertise to the NARI council. 

He replaces former dean of Science at UPNG, Prof Lance Hill, who has retired.

The make-up of the NARI council covers all geo-political regions of PNG, major stakeholder groups, key government agencies, and educational and scientific institutions. The current members including UPNG and Unitech representative consists of head of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, head of the Department of Treasury, three smallholder farmers’ representatives, and one member representing growers’ association, nominated by a legally-recognised association and NARI represented by its director general.

The new appointees will serve the current term under the chairmanship of Dr John Kola, which expires in October 2012.

With the all required representatives on board, the council will now be able to direct the affairs of NARI in its efforts to promote innovative agricultural development in PNG through adaptive scientific research, knowledge creation, and information exchange.


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