
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Somare arrives back in Port Moresby

Caption: Sir Michael waves to the crowd before boarding his car. He is flanked by Valentine Kambori (left), Tony Aimo (behind him) and Sam Abal.-Picture by EKAR KEAPU

GRAND Chief Sir Michael Somare arrived at Jackson Airport in Port Moresby today from Singapore after being hospitalised there for more than four months.

Among those at the airport to meet Sir Michael were the vice regal Sir Michael Ogio, MPs Sam Abal, Sir Arnold Amet, Patrick Pruaitch, Gabriel Kapris, Dame Carol Kidu, Tony Aimo, James Marape, John Pudari, Peter Wararu, Paru Aihi, Andrew Kumbakor, Timothy Bonga plus former departmental heads Margaret Elias and Vincent Kambori.

Also present were the Sepik council of chiefs led by their president Eric Wangehau.


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Can you simply resign from politics and enjoy your life before you getting to old and not enjoying your riches; Mr Somare? I think its enough for you to be in power. Give changes to the young ones please; greedy old man.

  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    He has stated that he is still the PM of PNG and will take the PM seat coming Tuesday sitting!!

    What an old fool he really is!!? The majority has spoken!! Too Old and still too power-hungry!!! ... What a shame!

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Look at the 'feces' near Somare, lumps of useless politicians. Can they just understand that PNG is running down? They are good for Hell....hell will be more hot! Somare Can you quit please ....?
