
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today's buai pekpek (betelnut shit) in Port Moresby

While we are so busy moaning and groaning about politics, Port Moresby gets filthier and filthier by the day.
These are some pictures of the dirty side of Port Moresby that I took today.
This lady outside Mobil Service Station Waigani always keeps her market clean

Outside Mobil Service Station Waigani

BSP Waigani looks clean, however, look to your left where the crowd is already gathering around a buai seller!

While we are so busy moaning and groaning about politics, Port Moresby gets filthier and filthier by the day, as examplified by this rubbish drum outside BSP Waigani this morning

Disgusting sight along bemobile bus stop, Waigani

I'd rather have more fruit and vegetables sold on the streets than buai!

Buai seller outside bemobile Waigani


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Thank you Malum for posting this. I always thought pictures make a powerful statement and say millions of word.

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Why don't you actually do something about it instead of complaining about it Malum? Get a rubbish bag and starting picking up the buai pekpek.
