
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Pictures and thoughts for today

I took these pictures of roadworks along Gerehu Stage 2 in Port Moresby this morning while awaiting a bus to work.
Credit to National Capital District Governor, Powes Parkop, although same cannot be said of the rest of Port Moresby and Papua New Guinea, where the infrastructure is absolutely deteriorated.
Where has all the money gone to?
Last night, we had continuous power blackouts in Port Moresby, water supply is unreliable, and we aren't even guranteed of our safety.
School starts for our children tomorrow but many, if not most, will not go to school because their parents can't afford school fees.
Our health system is an absolute joke and countless people all over the country die needlessly every day.
Rental in the major urban centres has skyrocketed while the workers have not seen a corresponding increase in their salaries.
The politicians and elite of Papua New Guinea continue to buy prime real estate in Australia,
All these while our politicians and elite continue to drive around in luxury cars, have back-up electricity and water, send their children to private schools in Australia and other countries, and go to hospital in Australia and other countries when they have the slightest headache.
And when there is any sign on discontentment among the people, they simply fly off to Australia and relax in the comfort of their luxury homes – why worry?

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