
Thursday, April 16, 2009

An exciting time for surfing in Papua New Guinea

Caption: Jamo Borthwick demonstrates surf resuce techniques
The past three weeks has seen an exciting new step in the evolution of PNG's surfing history and surf tourism industry.

Although only in its infancy, PNG surfing is sitting in a perfect position, and a position many countries will be envious of, to take advantage of and move into the lucrative and booming international surfing industry.

The Surfing Association of PNG Inc (SAPNG) in its carefully orchestrated parallel growth of this new sporting industry over the last 22 years, organised Jamo Borthwick from Australia's Gold Coast, to travel to the major PNG surfing locations to begin to develop and enhance the local surfers and their surfing skills.

This first trip, lasting almost three weeks, enabled Mr Borthwick to experience and understand the set up and position of each location and their individual needs.

This will allow a more-detailed and comprehensive long term plan to be designed and put into place including numerous more trips to continue to build, grow and develop the industry in an effective and efficient way.

The areas visited were Kavieng, Vanimo, Tupira outside Madang and Port Moresby.

The aim of the PNG surf coaching programme is multi-pronged.

Firstly it is to train and coach local surfers to improve their individual and the overall technical proficiency, skills and ability of the surfers.

Much time was also dedicated to the training and development of the older surfers in the clubs in the art of surf coaching to develop local coaches who will be able to continue this surfer improvement and progress in between Mr Borthwick's visits.

The other vital component of these surf clinics is the introduction of surf rescue, aquatic safety and basic emergency care techniques and training for surfers and locals.

This will aid in the safety and knowledge of the surfers for times when someone may experience difficulties or require help or rescuing in the surf or ocean.

It is the beginning of developing fully-qualified, internationally-recognised PNG surf life guards.

The programme will help develop and build local surfing and safety but also help PNG to become a renowned destination for international surfing tourism and for PNG to capitalise and benefit from the hugely lucrative market of travelling surfers.

The foresight and forward thinking of SAPNG President Mr Andrew Abel, ML, and fellow SAPNG board member and long-time resident, Mr Jason Pini, speaks volumes for the commitment of the national sporting organisation to develop and grow the industry being mindful of the mistakes and trappings other nations have suffered in the development of their country's surfing industry development.

This will ensure PNG does not suffer these same mistakes and set backs and that industry development and growth is achieved in a manner that benefits all involved – the travelling surfers, the local surfers and land owners and the PNG tourism industry and economy.

In Australia, Mr Borthwick owns and manages a licensed Surfing Australia Surf School on the Gold Coast teaching and coaching surfers of all ages and abilities; trains and educates Australian surf life savers, surf life guards and the general community in surf life saving techniques being licensed by the Australian Lifesaving Academy to provide Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) training; is and has been a head coach of Australian surf clubs for a number of years and is one of the most-qualified and experienced surf coaches and instructors in surfing and surf life saving.

Surfing Australia and SLSA are renowned as the world leading bodies and organisations in their respective fields, so the PNG surfers and surfing locations have been, and with Mr Borthwick's future trips and long-term programme in place, will continue to be exposed to and trained under the international best practices in surf and surf life saving training, coaching, methods and techniques.

Having visited and worked with eight of PNG's surf clubs that are, or are soon to be, affiliated SAPNG surf clubs, Mr Borthwick sees huge potential for PNG surfing.

He visited Kavieng with Kavieng Surf Club, Vanimo with Vanimo, Sunset, Waromo and Yako Surf Clubs, Tupira Surf Club north of Madang and Port Moresby's two surf clubs – Sero and Taurama.

The Board Sailing Association of PNG also attended the Moresby clinics to learn surf and aquatic rescue and emergency care techniques as well as learn about effective sports coaching techniques for use in their association to help build and grow their sport here in PNG.

"This first trip has given me an excellent opportunity to see each of the regions and their individual attributes, requirements and needs and to now effectively plan out, together with SAPNG, our future pathway to continue surfing's growth and development," Mr Brothwick said.

"I am extremely excited to not only be involved and be a part of the growth and development of surfing here in PNG and feel very privileged for the opportunity but I see so much untapped potential for PNG in terms of surfing talent and tourism options for PNG to take advantage of and benefit from.

"I watched and worked with surfers of all ages and abilities, some with an amazing natural talent and sensational skills and who are already surfing exceptionally well.

"I have no doubt that with the implementation of our programmes, the development of local surfing and putting into place these professional coaching and training programmes that we will see PNG surfers successfully competing on the world scene in the future.

"As well, watching and working with prospective coaches with their enthusiasm, their thirst and hunger for coaching knowledge, direction and skills leaves me in no doubt that this success for PNG surfing will happen sooner rather than later."

Asked whether he sees an opportunity for surfing tourism here, Mr Borthwick was adamant that there is huge potential.

"PNG offers numerous high class breaks and surf locations.

"Combine this with the warmth, friendliness and beautiful hospitality of local people and the local villages, PNG can massively benefit economically and see a great influx of tourism expenditure from travelling surfers.

"As well, the desire of locals to want to learn and become proficient in surf rescue, aquatic safety and life saving techniques means that the safety of local surfers will be hugely increased.

"It will also add to the safety and appeal for PNG as a surf destination for travelling surfers as they can be comforted by the fact that locals have been trained in rescue and emergency care techniques in case they get into difficulties in the surf during their travels."

Mr Borthwick strongly urges that the tourism development must continue to be undertaken with extremely careful planning and to maintain its rigour and conscientious planning of tourism growth to ensure that it remains a winning combination and destination for all involved and not to become another overcrowded "Bali" destination.

He has great confidence that president Mr Andy Abel and his SAPNG board will ensure that this is the case and PNG can preserve its charm and identity while at the same time profiting from surf tourism to ensure an equitable and sustainable surfing industry that is consistent with SAPNG constitution and strategic master plan in their efforts in contributing to the social and economic development and nation building of Papua New Guinea.

Mr Borthwick finishes by saying: "I cannot wait to continue my involvement with SAPNG and the growth and development of surfing here on so many levels to help build and grow this opportunity that is just waiting to be utilised for the PNG people to benefit from.

"In all, this new programme and the introduction of this type of surf training, coach mentoring, coaching skills education and rescue techniques instruction marks a new and exciting era in the growth of PNG surfing.

"Not only can we expect to see many benefits for the local surfers but also for PNG as a whole through economic tourism benefits."

This is the first step in a long-term plan between SAPNG and Mr Borthwick.

Mr Abel, Mr Pini and Mr Borthwick in consultation with the SAPNG board and its affiliated surf clubs around Papua New Guinea are to formulate this long term plan to ensure regular, consistent trips will build and develop this untapped PNG resource bursting to be used and positively exploited for the benefit of all the PNG people.

For more information on the surfing in Papua New Guinea, please log onto

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