
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Statement by Pacific National Media Association Representative

APIA (16 April 2009) - As the representative of National Media Associations to the Board of the Pacific Island News Association (PINA), I wish to call upon my colleagues, the Presidents, the Vice Presidents, the members of Pacific media associations as well as international media associations to make a stance against the mistreatment of Journalists in Fiji.

The actions of the interim Fiji Government has infringed upon their work as informants of the public, and as we know threats against local and international Journalists in Fiji is a direct threat against people's right to know, and in turn free media in the Pacific region. This is not just about freedom of the media in Fiji, it is about freedom of the media in all of the Pacific.

Having been in Fiji in the past three days, I witnessed firsthand the obstacles faced by the media there. I am one of the fortunate few Journalists who made it through without question. Despite the restrictions, and the threats on Journalists in Fiji it is with great pride to note a strong response by the newsprint industry to injunctions imposed by the Fiji interim Government. I personally congratulate Fiji Times for running blank pages with notice of injunction; this is a brave move, and just one of the ways to respond to this kind of treatment.

I wish to remind Commodore Frank Bainimarama of his own words to me a year ago, that Journalists do have a role to play in any Government. So let them do it.

I also just received unconfirmed reports that Pita Ligaiula, PacNews Journalist has been taken in by Fiji Police. I call on my fellow media advocates in the region to join me in demanding the release of fellow Journalist Ligaiula without harm.

To end, I reiterate my call on national media associations to make their stances known on this issue, show Fiji media our support, this is when they need us most. Let us not be deterred by ignorance, may freedom of speech continue to prevail in Fiji despite impediments.

Cherelle Jackson

Representative of Pacific National Media Associations

Pacific Islands News Association (PINA)

Based in Samoa

P.O Box, Apia, Samoa  

Ph: (685) 777 3776

1 comment:

  1. bloggers tell the real story!
    We have uploaded an interview with Melbourne based Fijian academic Mosese Waqa on the coup and background motivations
