
Friday, April 17, 2009


All coffee farmers are called on to move into their coffee gardens now and harvest their coffee, process it and bring out to market to take advantage of the current coffee prices.

Current prices are at K3.80 per kilogram of parchment thus Coffee Industry Corporation (CIC) Limited Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ricky Mitio, urges farmers to start harvesting now with the favourable price and dry weather.

Mr Mitio appeals to all coffee farmers to stop tribal fights, wondering around on roadsides and towns and get back into their gardens to harvest coffee.

Cherry ban is still on, but harvesting coffee would prevent perpetrators from stealing cherries to sell resulting in farmers missing out on the benefits of their own hard work.

Coffee cherry sale is still under control and a roadside cherry trade is not permitted by law. 

CIC commends all coffee growers and stakeholders in the marketing chain for last year’s record export earning of K509 million for the calendar year 2008.

This result was achieved on the back of higher prices, combined with higher export volumes. From the total earnings, growers received 66% while exporters and processors retained 19% and 15% respectively. Last year’s record was, by far, the highest level record for the industry.

The previous record was achieved in 2005 valuing K457 million.

“We would like to achieve a progressive record again this year and in the coming years,” said Mr Mitio.

Mr Mitio encourages growers to increase production though rehabilitation and planting new trees in their gardens to gain from higher prices.

He added that the District by District Coffee Rehabilitation Program funded under the National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP) has commenced in selected districts in the Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands and Simbu Provinces.

All growers are urged to work together with CIC officers to carry out this program to increase production.

District by District Village Coffee Rehabilitation Programme hopes to rejuvenate aging senile coffee trees of coffee gardens especially in the smallholder sector to boost production.

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