
Friday, April 17, 2009

Papua New Guinea Media Council urges Fiji government not to interfere with media

The Media Council of PNG is supporting the call for the Government of Frank Bainimarama to not interfere with the media which is performing its noble roles of promoting good governance.

President of the Media Council of PNG, Joe Kanekane pleaded for the media to be respected as the "Fourth Estate" which is supposed to be independent to perform the functions of a watchdog.

“Please understand that the media must keep a sceptical eye on the activities of the government and the powerful. Without a free and independent media, the public interest will not be guarded, and those in powerful position can abuse the power for personal gains.”

Mr Kanekane said the Government must also respect the freedom of expression and freedom of the media as a basic human right enshrined in Article XIX of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Mr Kanekane commended the courage of the journalists and other media personal including those being intimidated in the newsrooms. He urged them to be fair and report objectively to carry the voices of different sectors of the population and communities in Fiji.

Mr Kanekane appealed to the international community, particularly the governments of the region, development partners, and regional bodies and civil society organisations to continue to demand for the liberalisation of restrictions to the media in Fiji. He asserted that international action is required for the restoration of a free and responsible media, a prerequisite for good governance in Fiji.

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