
Friday, August 28, 2009

Leading Papua New Guinea woman journalist and writer goes online

Leading Papua New Guinea woman journalist and writer, Euralia Paine, who has written numerous positive articles about Papua New Guinea for many years, now has her own blog
Her first post is titled ‘Ta’tao’n – the dance of the okari nut’.
“I come from an area known as Jiri’ip, which is located on the North Coast of Oro Province,” Euralia writes.
“This is a story and dance from my place and it is called Ta’tao’n.
“The dance is highly-animated and requires a group of dynamic female and male dancers who beat miniature kundu drums and shake rattles.
“There is no singing but the dancers are dressed in brilliantly designed tapa cloaks and colourful headdress.”
Fascinating stuff, and given Euralia’s talent and boundless energy, Papua New Guinea and the world can expect more from her.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing lots of other PNG blogs with your readers. I read yours religiously and am happy to find some more. They keep me in touch with the real people in PNG. Good work. Keep it up!
