Sunday, January 02, 2011

Australia-Papua New Guinea relations in 2011


John Pasquarelli
2011 will deliver more of the same and nothing will change unless ordinary Australians step up to the plate.

It’s a desperate time for those flooded-out Australians but not a squeak from any politician about the need for revolutionary water infrastructure measures that would reshape our population and agriculture policies before the next drought arrives.
Kevin Rudd has committed Australian taxpayers to billions of dollars of foreign aid hand-outs while many home-grown Australians go under.
The plight of outback Aboriginal Australians is perpetuated by continuing lunatic separatism while a new generation of ‘paler’ Aborigines compete for the generous spoils handed out by the Left.
Australia’s most immediate foreign policy concerns are very close to home – in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and other struggling Pacific Island countries.
There is not one MP who can speak with knowledge and authority about the problems that are becoming more urgent involving our close neighbours and all we ever get is regurgitated waffle from some DFAT bureaucrat.
Australia must reassess its relations with PNG as the distribution of the huge wealth that abounds in that country is jeopardised by an increasing influence from China and a continuing disintegration of law and order and the health of its citizens.
Australia can still play a major role in the training of PNG nationals at all levels and as they say – the sooner the better.

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