THE New York Times was very correct.
Its story "Papua New Guinea is little prepared for gas wealth" published October 26, 2010 made it clear that Waigani has no working knowledge of the national economy of our country.
Following e-mail communication with the New York Times I obtained a copy of ‘Endorsed Working Strategic Policy’ on Vision 2050.
The first two pillars are very badly approached.
First, the human development pillar has no linkage with the national goal on integral human development.
Besides, it does not propose solution to lack of human development in the last 35 years of independence.
Secondly, the wealth creation pillar identifies minerals on the economic power house of PNG but it has no solution.
We are actually being taken on same path of development in the last 35 years.
Role of advisers is to advise managers manage and leaders lead.
Vision 2050 has no leader.
Like Vision 2050 the national goals had no leader.
Were leaderless vision achieved anywhere in the world?
Certainly not.
We in PNG are lied to then by Vision 2050 advisors and consultants.
PNG people must be aware that advisers and consultants work for money.
They are not public servants.
No money, no work and vice versa.
Here I expose some of the issues for the benefit of our people.
"1. Integral human development.
We declare our first goal to be for every person to be dynamically involved in the process of freeing himself or herself from every form of domination or oppression so that each man or woman will have the opportunity to develop as a whole person in relationship with others."
The goal was set at independence.
Thirty five years on we are still not aware what to do.
PNG leaders are money leaders.
They vilify our people for money.
That is why goal of integral human development was not achieved.
Money is the reason for Vision 2050.
The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) was to underpin Vision 2050.
Unfortunately, this is not reflected in the two pillars of human development and wealth creation.
Politicians will be nervous when people pose questions.
There are questions already in people's minds.
What we need to do is to jot their memories with history.
Be as it may, dare I say Vision 2050 is dead. This is why.
"5. Papua New Guinean ways
We declare our fifth goal to be to achieve development primarily through the use of Papua New Guinean forms of social, political and economic organization."
LNG is a foreign investment.
It is a money business.
Now LNG has made inflation go high.
In a very short time lives have been lost.
Sowing seed of discontent LNG proponents did not want to follow PNG law.
They wanted their way and not PNG way.
Our leaders obliged and changed our laws.
Now signs of discontent are appearing. LNG's contribution to Vision 2050 will be known then.
Now let us make some truths about PNG's resource development known.
LNG Project and other mineral projects which are of economic importance do not necessarily lead to human development.
Human development is the first national goal in our National Constitution.
It is about whole person human development.
A person has body, heart, mind and spirit.
According to Steven Covey from USA , each of the components of a person has different function, need and attribute.
LNG and minerals can make money and money can buy basic necessity of the body like food, clothing and shelter.
Money cannot buy love and compassion only the heart gives.
Money cannot buy vision and passion for service of fellow human person.
These are functions of the mind and spirit.
PNG has many mines.
These are operated by Western mining companies.
Panguna mine was the first.
It ended up causing environmental damage to land, river and way of life of people.
Ok Tedi mine was second.
It has killed the Ok Tedi River and its environmental damage is going down into the Fly River .
Third is Misima mine.
It operated a deep sea tailings placement and closed shop in 2005.
Then Porgera mine came on.
It has environmental issue on the Strickland River and recently Amnesty International found human rights abuses by police when called in by the government to assist the mine maintain its presence.
Lihir is eating PNG minerals and funding activities of Newcrest mines of Australia .
And now we have Ramu mine with a first Chinese company as majority owner and project operator.
It has been accused of human rights violations and an environmental law suit has been in court this year that has rocked it a bit.
Kutubu oil fields brought in a lot of money and nobody talks about it these days.
PNG is very vulnerable to manipulation and control by the miners.
Its leaders have been enlisted and disabled. Laws have been tampered with to suit the miners.
Regulations have been put in miners’ hand.
Vision 2050 will see PNG mortgaged to ExxonMobil as its base is the promised money from LNG.
We are racing against time set and dictated by ExxonMobil.
It is our country but we are not in charge.
James Wanjik
27 October 2010