Construction of the Ramu mine's marine waste dumping system
is currently on hold after MCC gave undertakings to the National court last
week not to proceed with any coral blasting or pipeline work until an
injunction application by local clans is heard on October 15.
But in the meantime MCC staff are out in the villages along
the Rai Coast threatening and intimidating local people to sign 'Statements of
Fact' (like the one illustrated below) stating they don't want to be part of the
court action and know marine dumping (DSTP) is the 'safest way'.
MCC staff are particularly focusing their attention on
Tugyag village which is the home of the court plaintiff Louis Medaing.
One technique being used by MCC to induce people to sign is
to tell them that any relatives working with the company will be sacked if they
don't cooperate.
Presumably it is the intention of MCC and Highlands Pacific
to turn up at court on October 15 with as many of these signed statements as
possible to try and undermine Louis Medaing in the eyes of the court and to
intimidate him to withdraw his court case.
The first legal action collapsed when the original
plaintiff's withdrew their case citing the conflict that it was causing in their
communities and fears for their safety