PNG has a taro dversity of over 800 varieties |
United Nations proclaimed 2010 to be the International
Year of Biodiversity, and people all over the world are working to
safeguard this irreplaceable natural wealth and reduce biodiversity loss.
is vital for current and future human wellbeing.
It is a concern that is uttered everywhere
that rich diversities in biological resources are being lost at an accelerated
rate because of human activities.
impoverishes us all as it weakens the ability of the living systems, which we
depend on, to resist growing threats such as climate change.
biodiversity that is currently utilised and which is continuously sourced to
bring about increased dependence on agriculture is under the greatest
change is imposing an unprecedented threat to livelihoods and food security
with great impacts overtime and across diverse locations globally.
will seriously affect millions of farmers whose livelihoods depend on
subsistence agriculture.
Tsukuba Declaration on adapting
agriculture to climate change unanimously declared that throughout the
Asia-Pacific climate change will significantly increase regional temperature,
reduce water availability and erode coastal land as sea level rises.
Papua New Guinea is known to experience
cyclic dry and wet periods induced by El
Niño and La Nina, which can
severely cut back crop production by reducing the duration of cultivation and
increasing threats from pest and disease occurrences.
subsistence communities, a single crop failure can spell disaster for farmers
and their families. Already, there appears to be an intensification of pest and
disease problems in PNG, including late blight on potatoes, leaf scab on sweet
potatoes, varroa mites attack on pollinator bees and cocoa pod borer.
are projected reductions in the length of growing seasons which could force
large regions of marginal agriculture totally out of production.
could lead to a reduction in crop yield of up to 50% in some countries.
adaptation strategies are urgently needed!
PNG agriculture sector needs to mobilise, prioritise and allocate its resources
in anticipation of the predicted calamities.
response, NARI is currently executing a study to match seeds to the needs of
farmers for adaptation in times of climate change.
In this new initiative, agricultural
stakeholders of PNG and abroad are focusing on matching local varieties of
sweet potato and taro with regions in PNG that are under threat from the
potato and taro have been chosen because they are PNG’s most important staple
crops and that National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) also conserves
highest number under ex situ (i.e. away from their native habitat)
potato alone accounts for 66% of total staple crop production in the country
while taro receives first and second staple status in most coastal regions.
research supported by the Global Crop Diversity Trust (a multinational
organisation) is underway in PNG to screen highland sweet potato germplasm for
climate induced stresses.
complementary work includes an ongoing project on sweet potato pests and diseases,
and sweet potato post-harvest handling.
taro, a NARI project is identifying hybrid lines that are resistant to leaf
blight disease and the Global Crop Diversity Trust project is underway on
drought and salinity tolerance in the lowlands.
project titled ‘Matching Seeds to Needs: using locally available varieties for
adapting to climate change and improving the livelihoods of farmers in PNG’ was
launched in June 2010 in Lae.
The activities will be undertaken by NARI and
key stakeholders over the next three years.
initiative is funded by Bioversity International- UK to the value of US$300,000.
other partners include the Fresh Produce Development Agency (FPDA), PNG Women
in Agriculture Development Foundation (PNGWiADF), and the Centre for Pacific
Crops and Trees (CePaCT), Fiji.
this initiative, the regions in PNG under greatest threat from climate change
will be identified by using the global climate models.
of sweet potato and taro that are well-adapted to the predicted future climates
will be matched to these target areas so that they can continue to have optimum
yields under future climatic conditions.
of these adapted varieties will be made available to farmers through
community-based seed multiplication and delivery systems with the help of local
community based organisations, churches and agri-businesses.
seeds adapted to their needs, communities at risk will be able to sustain
agricultural production despite changes in climatic conditions.
working with the partners, including local communities and women’s groups, the
project’s activities will strengthen the resilience of agricul tural systems by
identifying more stress-resistant varieties of sweet potato and taro currently
being conserved to ensure that small farmers who maintain native staple crop
diversity do not fall deeper into poverty.
NARI conserves up to 1,500 and 700 accessions
of sweet potato and taro respectively collected throughout PNG in various
the arrangement, Bioversity will be responsible for climate predictions and
application of state-of-the-art models for identifying well-adapted crop genetic
will provide crop passport and other associated information, planting materials
and field personnel in conducting the various components of the project.
organisations will be responsible for identifying the most useful varieties with
participation from targeted farmers.
CePaCT will maintain elite lines selected through this project and make
available planting materials and information to researchers and farmers in PNG
and other countries.
contributions, including training will be provided through complementary
funding from the Global Crop Diversity Trust.
PNGWiADF will play a key role in ensuring the participation of women farmers
while FPDA will link communities on a broader scale with their established
rural network in variety selection and dissemination effort.
improving the resilience and adaptation of agricultural systems in PNG, this
project will safeguard both food security and livelihoods of local farmers.