Showing posts with label southern highlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label southern highlands. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010

More police for Southern Highlands

New police recruits, under the Southern Highlands-sponsored six-month initiative, and their squad master passing by the reviewing officer and Southern Highlands Governor Anderson Agiru in a march formation, The National reports.
The 192 probationary constables graduated last Friday at the Bomana Police College outside NCD. 
Of the lot, 120 will be posted at various locations in the province while 72 will serve in other provinces. A
lso present at the graduation were parade host Police Commissioner Gari Baki, Southern Highlands MPs and senior police officers. – Nationalpic by AURI EVA

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Ice falls in Komo

More than 2,000 people in Komo and Mananda villages in the Southern Highlands have been affected by frost, The National reports.
A villager (pictured) showing a chunk of ice found in his garden on Monday afternoon. 
Other villagers also found their gardens and surroundings affected and have called on the government to assist them. 
It is understood that LNG developer ExxonMobil officers are in the area assessing the situation.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Yawari backs Agiru on LNG and stability


FORMER governor Hami Yawari is urging all Southern Highlands members of parliament to join his one-time bitter political rival Governor Anderson Agiru, The National reports.
“All Southern Highlands MPs joining Agiru and his United Resources Party are not making a mistake,” he said in a media conference in Port Moresby yesterday.
“We have to stabilise the government until the 2012 elections.
“As Southern Highlands leaders, we should be working together with Agiru to support Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare.
“Let Sir Michael complete his term and, if he wants to retire or continue in politics, that is up to him and the people of East Sepik,” Yawari said.
He said that Southern Highlands was home to the biggest LNG project and he did not want politics to destabilise the project that would give huge benefits to the landowners, province and country.
Yawari explained that he did not hold any grudge against Agiru who unseated him in 2007, saying that Agiru would stand for Hela provincial in 2012 while he would contest the Southern Highlands provincial seat.
He said he approved his own Conservative Party and Kagua-Erave MP James Lagea joining United Resources Party.
“We need to stabilise government and ensure the gas project gets off the ground to put PNG on the world map.”
Yawari made this statement when thanking the prime minister for appointing Komo-Margarima MP Francis Potape as minister assisting the prime minister on LNG and climate change matters.
He said some people with other motives had manipulated the National Gazette while the prime minister was in New York to create instability in government and the LNG project.
Meanwhile, Agiru said he was still a friend to Yawari as a Southern Highlander.
He said he was touched that a former rival had spoken highly of him and supported URP, the LNG project and the government’s tireless efforts for the benefit of the province and country.