Sunday, May 31, 2009
Today at the farm
Captions: 1. Green Grevillea 2. Grevillea 3. Grevillea 4. Honey Gem Grevillea 5. Pink Grevillea 6. Lorikeet 7. Wobbly 8. Lorikeet 9. Lorikeet 10 Lorikeet
From Paul Oates in
We've just had a little rain and the Grevilleas are bursting into flower. AsI try to photograph the flowers, Rainbow Lorikeets screech at me for interrupting their evening meal and at their screeching, a furry head pops up from behind the rock wall to see what's going on.
Implement work place policy on smoking
By ELIZABETH MIAE in The National
THE PNG Medical Society (PNGMS) has called on Government and private institutions to implement the tobacco legislation into work place policies at their work places.
PNGMS president Dr Mathias Sapuri said the tobacco legislation was already in place but was not being enforced because many institutions were not taking it seriously.
He urged the Health Department to revive the legislation and tighten it up to give the department power to penalise people who smoke in smoke-free zones.
Dr Sapuri’s comments were timely as PNG observes the World No Tobacco Day today with the theme “Tobacco Health Warnings”.
“We need to have a penalty that is instituted by a legislation.
“It is our responsibility, as the medical society, to advise the public that smoking causes cancer.
“The more you smoke, the more you damage your lungs,” Dr Sapuri stressed.
He said all health facilities and public places (including work places) should be free from smoking and the chewing of betelnut.
Dr Sapuri added that places such as restaurants, pubs and night clubs could create a smoke room or corridor where smokers could go to smoke as being done in Asia, Europe and
“It is entirely up to pubs to impose a ban on smoking but some people may argue that it is discriminatory.
“But passive smoking is more dangerous because the non-smoker is inhaling more smoke than the smoker who is blowing it out,” he said.
Dr Sapuri also called on parents to be responsible and not send their children to buy cigarettes and betelnut for them because that was where they picked up the bad habits.
He highlighted that as one of the biggest problems in the country where children were being educated “indirectly” by parents on how to smoke and chew.
World No Tobacco Day is celebrated annually on May 31.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
World No Tobacco Day
On May 31 each year, the World Health Organisation celebrates World No Tobacco Day, highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce consumption.
Tobacco use is the second cause of death globally and is currently responsible for killing one in 10 adults worldwide.
The WHO has "Tobacco Health Warnings" as the theme for this year’s World No Tobacco Day.
Tobacco health warnings appear on packs of cigarettes and are among the strongest defences against the global epidemic of tobacco.
WHO particularly approves of tobacco health warnings that contain both pictures and words because they are the most effective at convincing people to quit. Such pictorial warnings appear in more than a dozen countries.
On World No Tobacco Day 2009, and throughout the following year, WHO will encourage governments to adopt tobacco health warnings that meet all the criteria for maximal effectiveness, including that they cover more than half of the pack, appear on both the front and back of the pack and contain pictures.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control obligates its more than 160 countries parties to require "health warnings describing the harmful effects of tobacco use" on packs of tobacco and their outside packaging and recommends that the warnings contain pictures. WHO works through its Tobacco Free Initiative department to help the parties to meet their obligation, providing technical and other assistance.
As WHO Director General Margaret Chan says, "We hold in our hands the solution to the global tobacco epidemic that threatens the lives of one billion men, women and children during this century."
Kalibobo Spirit is the perfect way to see Papua New Guinea
The Kalibobo Spirit provides the perfect way to see the coastal ports, islands and Sepik River in Papua New Guinea.
The 30m vessel was built in Picton, New Zealand, and is owned and operated by Melanesian Tourist Services based in Madang.
The ship is fully-stabilised, carries the latest navigation equipment including sonar and provide luxurious accommodation for up to 16 guests in four queen, three singles and a state room, all with ensuites, air conditioning, television and telephone.
There is a dining room, lounge, cocktail bar and three covered decks to observe and relax.
Facilities aboard the vessel include two zodiac tenders, a fast aluminium river boat that can carry 20 passengers at 50mph along the Sepik and tributaries and on selected cruises a helicopter.
The ship is equipped with a dive shop which enables guests to dive some of the most-pristine waters in the world.
Whilst the Kalibobo Spirit is primarily for charter, in August, several cruises to the Sepik are scheduled.
Since the Kalibobo Spirit arrived it has had cruises throughout the Bismarck Sea including Manus, New Ireland, Rabaul, West New Britain, Siassi, Madang, Port Moresby, Milne Bay and to the Sepik River.
For more information, call Wesley at MTS on 852 2766 or e-mail
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Winston Man dies of lung cancer... just one month before he was due to testify against big tobacco company
Captions: 1. Alan Landers in the Winston advert. 2. Malboro Man David McLean died of cancer that started in his lungs 3. Former professional rodeo rider Wayne McLaren posed for Malboro and died of lung cancer
As World No Tobacco Day falls on Sunday, May 31, we look back to March this year when the Winston Man died of lung cancer.
A male model who became the iconic face of Winston cigarettes has died of lung cancer, the Daily Mail ( reports.Alan Landers, who was known as the Winston Man, lost his battle with the disease just one month before he was due to testify in court against cigarette manufacturer RJ Reynolds.
The 68-year-old had led a multi-million dollar crusade against the tobacco industry, four decades after he first appeared on billboards and in magazine adverts across the
He was lined up as one of 9,000 tobacco victims in
“Looking back on my career, I am ashamed that I helped promote such a lethal and addictive product to the children and adults of this country,” he explained before his death.
“Had I understood then what I now understand - that cigarettes are an addictive poison that kills almost 50% of their users - I would never have participated in their mass marketing.”
He added: “I was expected to portray smoking as stylish, pleasurable and no time was I ever told cigarettes could be dangerous to my health.
“I knew some people believed them to be unhealthy but the cigarette manufacturers denied that their product is harmful.”
In 2006, the Florida Supreme Court threw out an unprecedented $145billion class-action lawsuit against tobacco manufacturers - but handed Mr Landers and his fellow victims a fresh opportunity for justice by recommending that each should bring an individual case.
The court agreed that cigarette-makers had lied to cover up the harmful and addictive properties of tobacco and that all each plaintiff had to prove was that they had been individually harmed by an addiction to smoking.
A jury found in favour of the first of the 9,000
Landers' case against RJ Reynolds, the maker of Winston cigarettes, was due in court in April.
“I am unwilling to give the defendants their wish - to postpone the date of my trial - so much that I would die first. I want and intend to beat this latest challenge,” he insisted just two weeks ago.
Landers, who died at his home in
Up until his death he was on weekly chemotherapy, daily radiotherapy, also suffered with emphysema and struggled to breathe and talk.
He is not the first 'poster-boy' for the tobacco industry to lose his life to the very habit he promoted.
Two of the so-called 'Marlboro Men', actors Wayne McLaren, David McLean and Dick Hammer, all died of lung cancer, years after modelling for Marlboro cigarettes.
At the height of the smoking trend, when cigarettes were perceived as fashionable, Landers was in demand for his suave looks and James Bond-style features, posing for Winston advertisements in a variety of shots including one in a tuxedo and another pouring a bottle of bubbly for a glamorous blonde.
Posters bore slogans such as 'Winston's Down Home Taste! So real, so rich so good.'
“I was required to smoke on the set; constant smoking was required to achieve the correct appearance of the cigarette, ash and butt length,” he recalled.
Then a hard-core smoker, he later tried to kick the habit with nicotine patches and gum, but without success.
In 1992, doctors told the actor and model that the lung cancer diagnosed five years earlier had spread to a second lung, requiring radical surgery that involved severing a nerve to his vocal cords.
In 1996, he also underwent open heart surgery and a double bypass operation, necessitated - he says – “by the residual effects of smoking”.
He spent his final months living close to the poverty line and having to appeal for public donations to help pay his medical bills.
“I am extremely short-winded because sections of both lungs have been removed,” he explained two weeks ago.
“Scars from the surgery wrap around my back, permanently disfiguring me, but I feel lucky to be alive... I have fought too long and hard to give up now.”
He added: “The industry put profits over people, stonewalled criticism and concealed scientific evidence from the public and its customers.
“I call upon the lawmakers of this country to protect our children from this dangerous substance. Tobacco products should be regulated as the addictive products they are.
“I call upon the tobacco industry to compensate its victims, its former customers, who are suffering and dying from its products.'
His lawyer Tim Howard said: “He fought a good fight. Alan was an example of light, energy and courage.”
Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death
The National Department of Health and the World Health Organisation and partner agencies observed the day today with various activities be staged at Tabari Place Boroko in
The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2009 is ‘Tobacco Health Warnings’ with an emphasis on the picture warnings that have been shown to be particularly effective at making people aware of the health risks of tobacco use and convincing them to quit.
More than five million people die from the effects of tobacco every year-more than from HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
It is the only legal consumer product that kills when used exactly as the manufacturer intends.
Up to half of all smokers will die from a tobacco-related disease.
Second hand smoke harms everyone who is exposed to it.
Tobacco companies spend tens of million of dollars every year turning new users into addicts and keeping current users from quitting.
Through advertising and promotional campaigns, including the use of carefully-crafted package designs, the tobacco industry continues to divert attention from the deadly effects of its products.
More and more countries are fighting back against the epidemic of tobacco by requiring that packages of tobacco show the dangers of the product’s use, as called for in guidelines to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
They use the MPOWER technical assistance package developed by WHO to help meet their commitments under this international treaty.
Effective health warnings, especially those that include pictures, have been proven to motivate users to quit and to reduce the appeal of tobacco for those who are not yet addicted.
Despite the fact, nine out of 10 people live in countries that do not require warnings with pictures on tobacco packages.
Nicotine is a highly-addictive substance.
Warning people about its true risk can go along way towards reducing tobacco addiction. Requiring warnings on tobacco packages is a simple, cheap and effective strategy that can vastly reduce tobacco use and save lives.
Papua New (s) Guinea Blog
Ilya Gridnef, the intrepid Australian Associated Press man in
“I cover PNG and the
“Hopefully this blog can help those interested in these areas.”
Have a look…
Your favourite daily is No 1 - by a long way
THE National has again surpassed the 30,000 copies mark in the first quarter of the year and, in doing so, distanced itself further from the other daily newspaper, Post-Courier.
According to the internationally-recognised Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), which audits both newspapers, the circulation of The National during the January-March period of this year averaged 30,439 copies, while the Post-Courier was about 30% less at 21,352 (9,087 fewer).
In the previous quarter, The National’s average circulation was 27,765, compared to the Post-Courier’s 20,636 (7,129 copies or 25.6% less).
The ABC report, released two weeks ago, confirms that The National not only remains the number one selling newspaper in PNG for the past year and a half, but is likely to grow further.
For the January-March period of 2008, The National averaged 26,450 copies.
In the second and third quarters, it increased to 28,167 and 30,053 respectively.
In the last quarter, circulation went down to 27,765 as expected due to the holiday season before increasing to more than 30,000 in the first three months of this year.
The Post-Courier fared differently.
From 25,799 copies for the first quarter of last year, Post-Courier dropped to 24,140 (second quarter), 23,139 (third quarter), 20,636 (fourth quarter) before finally picking up about 700 copies in the first quarter of this year.
Meanwhile, after some initial delays, work on a new building to house a bigger printing press at The National’s headquarters in
The new press will provide for a bigger print run with more colour pages to meet the newspaper’s growing circulation and demand of advertisers.
A similar press will also be installed in the company’s second printing plant in Lae, which caters mainly for the northern region.
Both presses are expected to be in operation in a few months’ time.
The National will also be setting up at least two new offices this year and expanding others to improve coverage.
Recently, veteran journalist Oseah Philemon was recruited for the Lae regional office to head editorial operations in the northern region.
South Korean government invests in agro-tourism project in Morobe
By SENIORL ANZU of National Agriculture Research Institute
The South Korean Government will invest a total of US$58, 900 in a new village movement concept, focusing on agricultural and eco-tourism development which will be trialed at Gabensis village in the Huon district of Morobe province.
The pilot project will include the production and processing of yam and construction of a yam-based tourism facility known as Saemaul Eco-Lodge.
Last Friday, a memorandum of agreement was signed between South Korea’s University-Industry Cooperation Foundation (UICF) of Kangwon National University and PNG’s National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) to pave way for this collaborative initiative.
UICF is a new research and cooperation organisation of the Kangwon National University, which has served to develop university-industry in the world.
With funds from central and local governments in South Korea, UICF’s objective is to contribute to the development of rural communities in domestic and foreign countries through various researches and professional consulting for improving agricultural technologies, residential environment and reforming social structure.
The university had proposed to NARI early this year to pilot the concept in PNG and Gabensis was chosen.
Last week, three Korean professors were in Morobe, inspecting NARI research facilities at Bubia and discussing with local scientists.
They also visited Gabensis, talking to farmers and identifying suitable sites where the one-year project will be conducted.
In signing the MOA on behalf of NARI, director general Dr Raghunath Ghodake told the South Koreans investors that yam was a traditional crop in PNG with huge potential for development.
“Yam is grown widely in PNG mostly for raw consumption,” he said.
“There is no processing, no exporting but there is big potential for development”.
He said that NARI had expertise in yam agronomy and economics and would be willing to collaborate and work together to assist farmers in adding value to the crop and getting it to markets.
He also suggested for the processing technology to be done on other crops such as taro, cassava and kaukau.
South Korean spokesperson Prof Cheol Ho Park expressed satisfaction on cooperation and willingness by both NARI and Gabensis villagers and hoped that the pilot project would be successful.
“This is a community-based cooperation,” he said.
“It is a pioneer concept in university-industry research and consulting with a view to contribute to the development of rural communities.”
Team leader Prof Jeon Un-Seong said PNG had big potential in eco-tourism and Gabensis was an ideal site.
He said the village, food gardens, lake and other natural features in the locality provided
a good natural setting for tourism development and UICF was keen to invest and capture that potential, particularly from an agro-tourism perspective.
Under the agreement, the South Korean government through UICF would provide financial and technical support for the project, which includes the establishment of machinery for yam processing, training of NARI staff on the same and construction of the yam-based eco-lodge.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
British collector rates Papua New Guinea stamps among world's best
A British stamp collector has rated
United Kingdom-based R.E.A Howard said recently in a letter to the PNG Philatelic Bureau that he began collecting PNG stamps in 1937.
“I have really enjoyed your issues from 1937 and I am only missing four stamps plus one stamp booklet. I must congratulate you on your new issue service, this compares with the very best, do keep it up,” he said.
The bureau’s February 2009 issue, which Mr Howard referred to, features the country’s different frog species and was a joint project between Post PNG and conservation organisation WWF.
The British High Commissioner to PNG, David Dunn, said Mr Howard’s attraction to PNG stamps is not surprising.
“PNG stamps are amongst the most collectable in the world and with their vibrant colors and scenes depicting PNG life and the vast array of indigenous flora and fauna remain as popular today as this were in 1937,” he said.
Post PNG Ltd managing director, Peter Maiden, said the Post PNG philatelic bureau was established in 1959 as part of the Australian colonial administration’s Posts and Telegraphs Department and has a long and colorful history.
“One of the bureau’s early pioneers wrote about an American woman travelling to PNG from
Mr Maiden said thanks to the hard work put in by the bureau’s pioneers which has continued to this day by current staff, PNG stamps continue to be sold globally through agents based in
Mr Howard has decided to pull the curtain down on his hobby and indicated PNG was one of the few countries he restricted his collecting to.
“Now that I am in my 86th year I have decided with regret that I must now give up stamp collecting. Over recent years I have restricted my collecting to just a few countries, included those in PNG,” he said.
A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish!
A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish.
He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say,
'Pick me up.'
He looked around and couldn't see any one.
He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say a gain,
'Pick me up.'
He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.
The man said, 'Are you talking to me?'
The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you.
Pick me up then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!'
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.
The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said?? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.'
He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said,
'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'
With age comes wisdom.
PNG Eco-Forestry Forum targets 10, 000 trees planted by World Environment Day on June 5
PORT MORESBY: ENVIRONMENTAL and Conservation groups under the PNG Eco-Forestry Forum network are embarking on a massive tree planting drive with a target of 10,000 mangrove seedlings to be planted to commemorate World Environment Day on June 5.
The Motupore Islands Research Centre’s mangrove expert, marine biologist Thomas Manuawie, is heading the re-vegetation exercise to take place in three coastal villages of Gabagaba, Tubuseria and Tahira on June 5- 6.
“The theme for this year’s event 'Your Planet Needs You!-UNite to Combat Climate Change' reflects the urgency for nations to agree on a new deal at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark in December and the links with overcoming poverty and improved management of forests,” said Thomas Paka, EFF executive director
Mr Paka said the forum with various sponsors were taking the lead to promote this day amongst schools and local communities at various centres through the distribution of information kits on climate change issues to highlight the importance of environmental protection.
He said the theme called for community participation and action for local communities and citizens to take ownership of the fight against climate change.
He said climate change had become a primary concern with Papua New Guinea’s food, economic, cultural and biodiversity security at stake and coupled with the absence of/or slow progress of government policies to deal with these impacts, people need to be proactive.
He called on the government to immediately put in place appropriate policies and strengthen the capacities of its relevant institutions both at the national and local levels to deal with the issue with urgency to avoid catastrophic impacts.
Growing trees is the simplest way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store them in trees (carbon sequestration).
As many costal communities are at the risk of rising sea level and its related impacts, the mangroves planting exercise should raise awareness and promote practical as mitigation actions to deal with the issues of climate change.
These efforts are also in line with the stated aims of Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare for 50% reduction of PNG’s carbon emission by 2020.
He is urging corporate entities, business houses, groups, communities and individuals to be part of this campaign either by either purchasing or sponsoring a mangrove plant for
For more Information, contact the Forum on phone (675) 323 9050 or email: For media enquiries:
Mass looting - a new pastime in Papua New Guinea
Written by By Alfredo P. Hernandez |
HERE IN MY second home Papua New Guinea, organized mass looting has become a national pastime among the “raskols” (criminals), the jobless and the marginalized. |
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Agro-tourism has huge potential for Papua New Guinea

Agro-tourism has a number of attractions, both to the visitor and the host.
While it provides for interesting visits and discovery, many of these centres also serve as research and development hubs for the perpetuation and improvement of the agricultural industry in the country.
Taiwan, a country which I visited twice in 2007, lacks the landmass and natural resources of PNG, but makes up for this with a lucrative agro-tourism industry which sees visitors pick, grind and drink coffee (their coffee industry is nothing compared to PNG’s), mill rice, and eat farm-fresh peaches and guavas from the tree, among others.
Malaysia, a country quite like PNG, began its post-independence economy with an agrarian base, which has prepared it well to develop agricultural and commodities-based tourism, the hottest niche in eco-tourism today.
“Recognising that agro-tourism holds a fascination for both Malaysians and visitors alike, organisers of excursions these days include tours to rubber and oil palm estates, as well as pepper farms, fish farms, flower nurseries and fruit orchards,” according to the About Malaysia website (
“Fruit orchards have proven especially popular with visitors, not least because they get to enjoy the delicious exotic fruits they are there to learn about!
“Visits are structured around a tour offering insight into the cultivation, care, processing and manufacturing of these commodities for sale or export.
“The industry includes crops such as maize, cocoa, rubber, rice, fruits, oil palm and a variety of other products from which many Malaysians still earn a living.”
The concept of agrotourism, according to the Eco Tour Directory (, is a direct expansion of ecotourism, which encourages visitors to experience agricultural life at first hand.
“Agrotourism is gathering strong support from small communities as rural people have realised the benefits of sustainable development brought about by similar forms of nature travel.
“Visitors have the opportunity to work in the fields alongside real farmers and wade knee-deep in the sea with fishermen hauling in their nets.”
Agro (agri) tourism, according to Wikepedia, is a style of vacation that normally takes place on a farm or ranch.
This may include the chance to help with farming and ranching tasks during the visit.
Agrotourism is considered to be a niche or uniquely adapted form of tourism and is often practised in wine-growing regions such as Australia, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and North America.
In America, agrotourism is wide-spread and includes any farm open to the public at least part of the year.
Tourists can pick fruits and vegetables, ride horses, taste honey, learn about wine, shop in farm gift shops and farm stands for local and regional produce or hand-crafted gifts.
Countries the world over are using agrotourism to develop their local economy, craft trades, and educate visitors to current agriculture practices.
“People are more interested in how their food is produced and want to meet the producers and talk with them about what goes into food production,” Wikepedia says.
“Children who visit the farms often have not seen a live duck, or pig, and have not picked an apple right off the tree.
“This form of expanded agro-tourism has given birth to what are often called ‘entertainment farm’.
“These farms cater to the pick-your-own crowd, offering not only regular farm products, but also food, mazes, open-pen animals, train rides, picnic facilities and pick-your-own produce.”
In PNG, visitors to the highlands can pay a visit to the coffee and tea estates which grace their slopes.
A number of these have been established since the colonial days, and harvesting and processing methods have changed little since.
Waghi Valley of Western Highlands, surrounded by loftier hills, is especially noted for its long-established estates.
On rubber estates, such as Doa Plantation along the Hiritano Highway outside Port Moresby, visitors have the opportunity to experience first-hand how to tap a rubber tree and witness how latex is processed - from coagulation to pressing and smoking.
Another of the country's largest export commodities is palm oil.
Today, PNG is a world leader in the research and development of this multi-purpose fruit.
The clusters of orange-red fruits produce refined cooking oil and other palm-olein products for use in the cosmetic and chemical industries.
A visit to PNG by the agro-tourist would not be complete without some time in the palm oil plantations of West New Britain.
How about the coconut and cocoa plantations of East New Britain?
Witness sago processing in Gulf or East Sepik provinces?
Harvest and eat freshly-boiled taro in Lae?
The yam festival of Milne Bay or the banana festival of the Markham Valley of Morobe province?
Take a drive outside Port Moresby to the Pacific Adventist University farms and hydroponics at Sogeri.
Along the Madang-Lae Highway, sugar dots the countryside at Ramu Sugar, another place with huge agro-tourism potential.
Not forgetting Aiyura Valley outside Kainantu, Eastern Highlands province, and the agro-tourism list for PNG goes on and on.
A concert for the poor, sick and suffering in Lae
While the entire focus of the society is currently on combating HIV/AIDS in terms of finance and resources, little or nothing is done in defeating the ignorance of people with disabilities (PWDs).
It is like ‘promoting ignorance’ and ‘ignoring truth’.
To us who call ourselves Christians, what a great ‘apparent injustice’ to concentrate on the able ones and despise those with disability.
Poverty and disability is now thriving in many villages, settlements and homes.
What are we doing and what have we done?
With this thought, a major gospel music concert is currently being organised by the Morobe Special Education Resource Centre (MSERC) to raise the much- needed funds to purchase a vehicle for the centre.
The centre needs a vehicle for community-based rehabilitation and outreach programmes, school visits and screening and other community-based programme in addressing this community need.
Founded by a former German lecturer at Luther Seminary in Lae, MSERC works with children and people with special needs (CPWSN) such as physically-impaired or disabled in educating, rehabilitating and training them.
Themed: ‘Fighting Ignorance of Disability through Giving’ – the concert will feature prominent gospel artist Loujaya Tony and the Eloim Revelation Singers as well as other invited groups and ministries within Lae.
It will be held on June 25 from 5pm to 11pm at the MSERC.
The call is extended to everyone to come and support this positive move.
An 11year old malnourished and visually-impaired child at Busu Compound in Lae.Pre-sold gate tickets are now on sale at K2 for adult and K1 for children.
For tickets and more information, call (675) 720 52949 or (675) 472 2089.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Innovation and technology to sustain SMEs amid global crisis
Issued by the APEC Secretariat
An APEC seminar featuring speakers from Microsoft, Dell Global, Intel Asia, eBay/Paypal and other corporate legends will explore ways for SMEs to actually take advantage of the precarious times that have brought many of the world’s most established players to their knees.
“The time is ideal for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to take advantage of both advances in information technology and the drastic reduction in costs,” insists Michael Mudd, Comp TIA Director of Public Policy, Asia-Pacific.
Mudd explains that: “Ten years ago, Google moved out of a garage to a small office and had just eight employees; eBay was a domestic
The APEC SME Technology Entrepreneur Seminar, held on the cusp of APEC SME Working Group meetings, will take place in
The global economic crisis is an important factor. Discussions will address the central theme, Innovation and Technology – The Sustaining Power of SMES in the Global Economic Crisis, and much debate is anticipated.
To learn more about the SME Working Group, go to:
Media wishing to register for the seminar should contact:
Amril Norman at with copy to
For other inquiries, contact:
Carolyn Williams at or at (65) 9617 7316
Anita Douglas at or at (65) 9172 6427
LNG agreement heralds the start of building boom in PNG
Building commentator George Tipping predicts that a much-larger building and property boom is the likely scenario if the Exxon Mobil LNG project is confirmed.
“Despite the internal impediments of higher interest rates, inflation, hesitation by some PNG investors due to the global economic conditions (GEC), slow NCDC and utility service providers approvals, it is my prediction that the current building and property boom will continue at a high level of activity, particularly for large projects,” he wrote in The National recently.
“How long will this boom last? That is the hard question to answer.
“My crystal ball suggests we have another three to four years before the boom slows to more-manageable levels.
“However, if the Exxon Mobil LNG project is confirmed, then we will have a scenario of a much larger building and property boom making the current boom seem small by comparison.”
One of the major players in the current building and property boom, especially in Port Moresby, is Steamships.
On the rear of the old Papuan Hotel site downtown, we can see the major high rise project for Steamships Properties (Fletcher Morobe) and we have seen the activities on the former Hornibrook site at Gordons also for Steamships (HG Constructions).
At Four-Mile, opposite Stargazers, Steamships has finished clearing up a piece of land and has started work on a major commercial development.
Steamships Property is renowned as one of the largest and most-dynamic property developers in PNG.
The company specialises in providing residential, commercial and industrial property, across the country.
From high covenant apartment accommodation in the heart of Port Moresby to commercial and industrial blocks near the Lae Port, Steamships Property has a substantial and diverse property portfolio.
This is certainly growing.