Monday, September 21, 2020

A look into PNG's beekeeping industry

The beekeeping industry in PNG is a small but lucrative one.
Farmers get K12 per kg of raw honey, which is more than coffee, or other agriculture produce.
Many years ago, we had a factory in Goroka which exported honey, but this is no more.
It is an industry we should develop as we celebrate 45 years of Independence.
Along the Highlands Highway, outside of Goroka, pioneer beekeeper and retired agriculturalist Ian Mopafi builds beehives and frames for sale to honey farmers in Eastern Highlands and other parts of the Highlands.
Here he shows us his operation and talks about the untapped potential of the beekeeping industry.

Zuguru Cattle Ranch beefed up with new vehicle

The Zuguru Cattle Ranch in Bena, Eastern Highlands, has been given a brand-new Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle to do its work.
The vehicle was handed by Livestock Development Corporation (LDC) Executive Chairman and Department of Agriculture and Livestock Secretary, Mr Daniel Kombuk, to
Zuguru Manager Mr Bobby Sogavo on Thursday, September 10, 2020.

The event was witnessed by LDC Managing-Director Mr Terry Koim, Director Mr Ian Mopafi, invited guests and locals.
It is part of the drive by the LDC to beef up Zuguru, and all LDC ranches in the country, in line with the vision of Prime Minister
James Marape
for PNG to be self-sufficient in beef production by 2025.

Zuguru Cattle Ranch, Bena, Eastern Highlands

The Department of Agriculture and Livestock is often disparaged as "Department of Agriculture and Deadstock".
Deadstock because the once-flourishing herds of cattle, sheep and other livestock are no more. Deadstock no more.

At Zuguru Cattle Ranch, in the Bena area of Eastern Highlands, a major cattle replenishment exercise and improvement of infrastructure is taking place.
This is in line with the vision of Prime Minister
James Marape
for PNG to be self-sufficient in beef and other livestock production by 2025.

Independence Day 2020 Flag Raising

 At this very spot exactly 45 years ago, on September 16, 1975, the Flag of Papua New Guinea was hoisted for the first time.

In the morning of Sepetmber 16, 2020, in a moving ceremony at Independence Hill officiated by Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, the Flag of PNG was raised to mark 45 years of Independence.

God Bless PNG today and into the future.

PM Marape's Independence Day Address 2020

 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape's inspiring 45th Independence Day Address delivered at Independence Hill in Port Moresby in the morning of September 16, 2020:

Menifo Sheep Research Station

Menifo Sheep Research Station in the beautiful countryside of Lufa, Eastern Highlands Province, is a far cry from what it used to be.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Menifo teemed with sheep, cattle, goats and other livestock with support from the New Zealand Government.

Such was the importance of Menifo that former New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon once visited the place.
Livestock grazing at Menifo could be seen from the air as planes came in for landing at Goroka Airport.
Sadly, Menifo is now rundown, with no more livestock.
The Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) plans to revive Menifo with the support of Livestock Development Corporation (LDC) and other commodity boards.
This is in line with the vision of Prime Minister
James Marape
for PNG to be self-sufficient beef and livestock production by 2025.
LDC Executive-Chairman and DAL Secretary Daniel Kombuk and Managing-Director Terry Koim visited Menifo on Friday, September 11, 2020.

Eastern Highlands beekeeping industry gets a boost

 An agreement has been signed between Livestock Development Corporation LDC) and Eastern Highlands' Beekeepers Association (IHBA) to develop the beekeeping (apiculture) industry in Eastern Highlands Province.

Eastern Highlands is the hub of the beekeeping industry in PNG.
The Memorandum of Understanding, signed in Goroka on September 11, 2020, provides for honey production and value chain operations in Eastern Highlands.
LDC provided initial funding of K5000 to increase capacity of the IHBA.
LDC will recruit a trained beekeeper to build the capacity of all stakeholders.