The 2012 Goroka Show was launched in style in the Lahani Room of the Bird of Paradise Hotel in Goroka last Saturday (April 28).
Asaro mudman entertains guests at the launch of the 2012 Goroka Show.-Pictures by MALUM NALU |
It also got off to a flying start when National Gaming Control Board chief executive officer, Edward Mike Jondi, presented K200, 000 to show committee chairman Gideon Samuel to kick-start the 2012 show.
National Gaming Control Board CEO Edward Mike Jondi (left) presents K200,000 to Goroka Show committee chairman Gideon Samuel. |
Other cash sponsorships and pledges were made, including K10, 000 from geologist Wera Mori of Mori and Associates, while Eastern Highlands provincial government and Coffee Industry Corporation made pledges.
Other companies and organisations are expected to follow suit.
An Eastern Highlands tune at the 2012 Goroka Show launch. |
The night was graced with the presence of legendary
kiap (patrol officer) and Highlands Highway builder, Bob Cleland, who was involved in the very first Goroka Show way back in 1956.
Former kiap Bob Cleland, who took part in the first Goroka Show in 1956, reminisces. |
He said the organisers of this one, with no precedent to guide them, copied the pattern of a typical Australian country show, with the three districts of Eastern Highlands – Chimbu, Kainantu and Goroka – taking part.
Cleland said there were no singsing groups, but in subsequent shows, the singsing groups with plenty of encouragement from the government and organisers, turned up in force.
Lufa group at the 2012 Goroka Show launch. |
Samuel said his committee now had a good rapport with sponsors and other stakeholders, and was fully accountable and transparent.
An Asaro mudman entertains guests at the launch of the 2012 Goroka Show. |
“We’d like to make this year’s show even bigger and better,” he said.
Wonderful photos that bring back memories of the Goroka Show in the 1950s. My dad was a Coffee Planter and Goroka gave me a magical childhood. I have photos of the 1956 show and the fantastic tribal dress.