Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Abal warns of abuse of public funds

MEMBER for Wabag Sam Abal has cautioned about the use of public funds by the new government pen­ding a court decision on the legality of the parliamentary elec­tion pro­cess, The National reports.
"I, as a leader, do not want to see people rushing across and it will be sad to see plundering of resources for the people of Papua New Guinea," Abal said.
He said a surplus of K600 million, which was announced in the mid-year economic and fiscal out­look report, was en­tirely a result of increased reve­nue projections dri­ven largely by higher personal income tax collections than expected, higher commodity prices and higher mineral re­venue.
No overspending and underspending are pro­jected at this time.
Former treasury and finance minister Patrick Pruaitch said a supplementary budget was likely to be announced later this year.
Pruaitch said the projected additional revenue was expected to be allocated to high government priority expenditures in the key areas of health, education, infrastructure and law and justice as well as obligations such as the PNG LNG-related commitments and next year's general election preparations.
There were public concerns that the anticipated revenue of K606.8 mil­lion could be used for other purposes rather than the key areas prompting Abal to make the appeal.

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