Sunday, June 13, 2010

Money and power of miners in PNG political environment


Papua New Guinea is a resource abundant country.
 Nature has blessed us.
God has placed us in paradise in the Pacific.
For only in PNG is the most beautiful Bird of Paradise.
She represents for us our pride as a people.
Politics and power of money are encroachments.
People of a thousand tribes came together as an entity called the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
Only a mere 35 years ago a nation was born.
True leaders wanted us Papua New Guineans to have PNG for PNG people.
Only now we are beginning to develop nationalism.
Nationalism needed a cause.
We did not have any until now.
Money and power of miners are the causes.
 Politics of leaders are laid bare.
Leaders of PNG have lost worth.
They are working for money and position.
Fame, glory and self gratification are what leaders work for.
 Money is their end.
 It leaves people leaderless and powerless.
That is, people will be source, means and end of development. People are making their stand.
Since 2002 people have witnessed politicians cease their duty and cede their authority to the miners.
These are some of the actions which are dangerous and abhorrent:
-Creation of Mineral Resources Authority for money in illegal tax in illegal production levy from miners made from people's resources;
-Land reform and customary land registration to end customary land tenure and introduce monetised economy in rural PNG;
-Liquefied Natural Gas for export for money and the tall order landowners and people opposition that is building up;
-Vision 2050 and promised money from LNG and tax holiday and other incentives for the prospect; and
-Environment (Amendment) Act 2010 that makes landowners leaderless and powerless and being treated to third parties by their leaders working for money.
May God help leaders to realise that people are leaderless and powerless and that they may pull out of a scheme to disempower and disengage people of their land and resources for money.

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